06 April 2008

Mohos, Mojitos and Popcorn

Those are the three things I enjoyed with conference this year.

1) Mohos. Derrick came over to watch conference with me today. It was fun having someone else there to discuss things with. I usually watch it alone, lying on the couch in my underwear. I actually had to wake up, shower and make myself presentable today. Sheesh! Talk about demanding!

2) Mojitos (the virgin kind). No, they aren't miniature mohos. Although, that might be fun. I got some key lime mojito mix and made virgin mojitos to sip during conference. De-light-ful!! I dunno, maybe rum would have made some of the talks better... I kid! I kid! I enjoyed all the talks... and the mojitos. I think that if it weren't for the Word of Wisdom, I could easily become an alcoholic.

3) Popcorn. Is quite possibly the most eaten food in my diet since childhood. I probably consume more popcorn yearly by myself than most families of four do. It goes great with virgin mojitos and conference.

I loved listening to President Schwarzenegger... er, I mean... Uchtdorf speak. I LOVE that guy! He is so enjoyable to listen to. He can capture my interest very well. I'm really happy that he is in the First Presidency now so that we'll hear more talks from him more often. :D

President Monson was incredible. On Saturday morning when we sustained him as the new Prophet, he looked almost overwhelmed by it all as he stood there. But, you could really see the mantle descend upon him when he gave his first talk. He is going to be a really great leader of the church. I can't wait to see where he leads us.

Cheers to all you Mormons. Raise your virgin mojitos in a toast to exciting new roads that the church is going to travel down. :)


Unknown said...

Uchtdorf is an amazing speaker!

I loved his talk during priesthood session.

Kengo Biddles said...

Miki and I adore Elder/President Uchtdorf.

And you really, really need to try Mormosas. Sparkling grape juice (white)...Miki and I prefer Fre's Spumante and Brut, and mix with equal parts OJ. Mmm. Delightful.